ArtSafe is the only authorised fine
and decorative arts storage company in Romania.
The service provides art storage, following technical museum guidelines and conservation standards. ArtSafe also offers exhibition logistics and complex assistance to art galleries, artists, art fairs, and private collectors; art packing and crating services, as well as domestic, national, and international shipping with maximum security and safety.
“The inauguration of the first private deposit for cultural goods signifies not only a consistent and commendable initiative, but is above all a sign of the increasing importance of protecting cultural heritage. At the same time, we see it as a necessary investment, which puts artistic environments, group collectors, research institutions, and museums in a dialogue of shared interests. The technically well-stocked warehouse is a top achievement, and is an example of new concern regarding the preservation of cultural goods, regarded as an invaluable part of national wealth.”
Ioan Opris, University professor, Founder of the Cotroceni National Museum
“Art Safe writes a new cultural chapter, offering full logistics, and a necessary service for both museums and the nationally and internationally renowned cultural events in Romania.”
Soós Zoltán, Director of the Mureș County Museum
“Art Safe redefines the architectural aesthetics of a patrimonial art warehouse, in exceptional museum conditions!”
Adina Rențea, Cultural Programmes Director for the Art Society Cultural Centre Foundation
“Once your work of art has left the workshop or gallery, you want to know that it’s in good hands and that it is safe. I think that Art Safe offers the security that any artist or collector needs.”
Anamaria Smigelschi, plastic artist